Allowing the Painful Image To Play Out: Handling Recovered Memories

My step-mom, my two elder step-sisters and elder step-brother, all left in fell swoop. And then, one by one by one by one…my Grandma…my eldest brother…my biological father (although he was a good one to lose)…then the house we all had last been in together…then my elder middle…then the youngest other than me. Slowly stripped so that each remaining piece was depended on that much more than the other and each loss reducing me slowly of everything I knew. Until I desperately clung to the remainder until it too was gone.

Intrusive Inquiries: The Power of Self-Disclosure

I wonder how many other people have squirmed in their doctor’s waiting room, feeling the heat of the past on the back of their neck, silently fighting to stay present in the discomfort of the company of strangers.