One Step Closer: A Home For Our Heart

Her lips quivered, “All along…all along, I believed I would find you.” I laughed because she did. When no one else believed I existed, when I couldn’t be found, she knew she would find me. She never gave up. Many did, but not this Little One – not even for a second.

Allowing the Painful Image To Play Out: Handling Recovered Memories

My step-mom, my two elder step-sisters and elder step-brother, all left in fell swoop. And then, one by one by one by one…my Grandma…my eldest brother…my biological father (although he was a good one to lose)…then the house we all had last been in together…then my elder middle…then the youngest other than me. Slowly stripped so that each remaining piece was depended on that much more than the other and each loss reducing me slowly of everything I knew. Until I desperately clung to the remainder until it too was gone.

To My Deceased Mother: Our Bond Has Never Been Stronger

Like a vampire, she had been immortalized at 30, frozen in time as a young woman shown in pictures I rarely got to see. Now, in this world in my head, she would age. Her hair would change with the decades, her face would develop laugh lines and eye crinkle indentations.