One Step Closer: A Home For Our Heart

Her lips quivered, “All along…all along, I believed I would find you.” I laughed because she did. When no one else believed I existed, when I couldn’t be found, she knew she would find me. She never gave up. Many did, but not this Little One – not even for a second.

Intrusive Inquiries: The Power of Self-Disclosure

I wonder how many other people have squirmed in their doctor’s waiting room, feeling the heat of the past on the back of their neck, silently fighting to stay present in the discomfort of the company of strangers.

Introducing We to Me: How Hope Helped Me Heal

I described it as wearing an “Edgar suit” – from Men in Black. I wore this human skin to fool people into thinking I was one of them, but if you looked closer, you could see it was a costume. It hid the monster I felt I was. It helped me BE what people wanted in any given moment. It helped me to pretend to be one of them. But no, no I was never like everyone else.