Defying Trauma: Anonymous Blogger Shares All

As always, my experience and perspective is my own: but HEALING is possible! I wish I had access to first hand experiences with Dissociative Identity Disorder and the paths available to us as a multiple. Even more, I sought information specific to integration, however, I was unable to find a person with integration experience and explanations.

But it isn’t just integration, is it? There is much that goes into not just trauma, C-PTSD, but also the varying forms of dissociation, derealization or depersonalization, and the degrees of its intensity and impact on the lives of survivors. Obsessions, intrusions, panic, anxiety, and trauma responses are also on this spectrum. May we not judge ourselves to others.

I had to learn about creating a cooperative self-system, self-care, boundaries, dealing with intrusive thoughts, images, processing memories, and more. It takes work, dedication, and some idea of how to do it, be it through a trained professional, a comfortable and safe confidant, or alone within yourselves.

I hope my experiences and self-reflections can help you, regardless of the individuality of your own situations. We are all connected. We are never alone. Mental health is health.